
10 DOWN!!!!

I have finally hit the 10 pound mark!!
I have lost 10 pounds!!!!
T-E-N : count them
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, TEN!!!! Pounds!!!!

Honestly - I am not sure how I have done this. I am taking a supplement (no - not any crazy diet doctor prescription pills or anything like that). I am watching what I eat & trying to keep track of the calories I shove into my mouth every day. And have yet to start exercising... :(
Maybe my punishment for not exercising should be EXERCISE!!! lol!!
Yes - I am a little goofy today - so please bear with me! lol!!

Still don't have any pictures for any sort of comparison.... but I can tell I have lost some because of the way my clothes are fitting me and also THE SCALE TOLD ME SO!!!

40 days in stats: current weight - 164!!! but for some reason - my measurements are still the same pretty much... I guess my weight is coming off in other places I am not measuring... oh well!!