I don't know about anyone else, but I am definitely ready for this weather to quit playing games with us. We have had some beautiful, warm weather lately, with just a little rain (which we sorely needed) and Mother Nature has decided to play a trick on us one last time. Hopefully this is the last time. We have been having temperatures in the 80's for the past couple of weeks. Last night, though, the temperature dropped into the 30's. I woke up to a frost covered lawn and a sore throat.
I am ready for the summer!
I want to be able to spend time at the beach or the river or in the woods without worrying about what the next days weather is going to be like.
I know that the summers here are sweltering, but if I didn't like it - I wouldn't choose to live here! I like the warmer weather!

Spring is a beautiful season - but around here is doesn't last very long. I am somewhat grateful for this fact because when the trees start budding out and the pollen fills the air, my hayfever runs rampant.
Once the blooms have all run their course and the weather starts to get some heat to it, then it is my time to shine!

No more worrying about when the next cold front is going to hit us.
No more hating the rain - I love warm summer rain showers!
No more jackets!
Just plenty of time to enjoy the heat and the longer days!
~~~waiting for summer~~~