The evening before Easter was our usual ritual of coloring the Easter eggs. I am still sporting multi-colored fingers from the dyes and paints used to create our unique pieces of egg art. We had the usual colors and kits to make our designs with. We had the dye, the paint, and the "puff-paint" (which ended up a little un-puffy by the time the eggs were done). We usually don't color too many eggs because I am the only one who ends up eating them. After the first initial "meal" of colorful, hard-boiled eggs, they tend to sit around until I force myself to finish them. (well - not really
forcing me) My son will eat a few - but I think that the novelty wears off for him after the first 2 or three eggs.
Here are pictures of some of our wonderful masterpieces!
I love the face one!
Easter morning wasn't quite the outside activity type of day that "should" be typical of the morning. I woke up and my son was already up (of course!). He stated the day before that he no longer believed in the Easter Bunny, but that didn't mean that he was no longer to get a basket FROM the Easter Bunny. Of course - he still got his basket from the "Easter Bunny".
He also still wants to participate in an egg hunt. This, unfortunately, had to be moved inside because of the weather.
It was dark outside at noon as it was at 7:00 that morning. We were under a tornado watch, with close to zero visibility due to the heavy rain, and reported hail (which we personally never saw). Fortunately though, it all cleared out of there a little after noon.
It turned out to be a beautiful day in the end.