
Adios Amigo!

Adios, amigo.

(love Marty Robbins)


Happy Birthday 236th U.S. Navy

I have always loves this poster!

Being a Navy Veteran myself, I decided to wish a Happy Birthday to the USN! 

I have a t-shirt with this print on it that I got over 20 years ago!  I think that the shirt may be the oldest piece of clothing I own!  I have made sure that I kept it through every move



I ran across this through a suggestion...  It has had me mesmerized ever since!!!



Playing with my Camera

Just a few shots I edited a little. I love playing with the camera on my phone!


No worries!


Old pictures

As I was going through some things I have had stored away, I came across several rolls of undeveloped film. These have been sitting for close to 15 years. I decided to get a couple of them developed and see how they turned out. Some were just really bad pictures and some turned out alright. You can tell that the film was old though...

These are a couple of our trip to Paris in December 1996. It's almost like being there again when I go through the newly developed pictures! Wonderful memories!


Don't think that was working

I tried to keep track of my weight loss as a type of motivational tool, but I don't see that it was working. I am actually down another 5 pounds - but that's about it. So - total lost is 15 now. I am trying to find something to be creative about... guess the creativity is a little elusive around me.... at least when it comes to putting my thoughts down for people to read.


10 DOWN!!!!

I have finally hit the 10 pound mark!!
I have lost 10 pounds!!!!
T-E-N : count them
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, TEN!!!! Pounds!!!!

Honestly - I am not sure how I have done this. I am taking a supplement (no - not any crazy diet doctor prescription pills or anything like that). I am watching what I eat & trying to keep track of the calories I shove into my mouth every day. And have yet to start exercising... :(
Maybe my punishment for not exercising should be EXERCISE!!! lol!!
Yes - I am a little goofy today - so please bear with me! lol!!

Still don't have any pictures for any sort of comparison.... but I can tell I have lost some because of the way my clothes are fitting me and also THE SCALE TOLD ME SO!!!

40 days in stats: current weight - 164!!! but for some reason - my measurements are still the same pretty much... I guess my weight is coming off in other places I am not measuring... oh well!!


A few more down.

It's been just over a month since I began my weight loss adventure. As of today - I am down 8 pounds! YAY! So far, all I have done is adjust what I am eating. I still haven't started any specific exercise routine. As the weather is warming up, though, I am getting outside with my boys more. My goal for this month is to lose another 15 pounds. I need to get my butt into gear and get moving if I am to accomplish this.

8 down, more to go!! :)


Noticeable??? Already???

Well - people actually noticing the 5-6 pounds that I have already lost makes me want to keep losing! I really didn't realize that few pounds lost would be that noticeable. One of the people that noticed runs the fitness club here locally - so that was even an extra boost! Gotta love my customers!!!


167lbs 3 weeks in

Ok - so I have lost another pound - but seeing as how it's been a week since my last post - I really don't see that as much of an accomplishment. That's negative thinking though... I should look at it this way - "YAY!!! I lost another pound!!!"

I was just talking to my sister and telling her how I need to start exercising (no - I still haven't started yet).

I have also started taking a supplement - and today is my first day on it. So we will see how well it works.

stats so far:
Start weight: 174 Current weight: 167
pounds lost: 7

total inches lost: 3 (I am only measuring my waist & hips)

I am still debating if I want to post a picture...............


Time to lose.

I know it's been a while since I've posted.... and I guess there is no excuse. I just haven't done it. I have just been keeping busy with my growing family. Growing as in my boys are getting so big so fast!!! A 13 month old and a 13 year old will definitely keep you on your toes!

Other than that... I have decided that it is time for me to lose this baby weight I've kept on (and actually had a little before the baby came along...)
I've been trying to eat healthier. It's working a little. Just by watching what I eat - I have lost 6 pounds in just over 2 weeks.
I've been trying to exercise. That's a lie. I have been thinking about exercise.
I went to the store over the weekend to maybe buy a new outfit or two.
I hate shopping for clothes when I don't even know what size I am wearing. Trying to guess is very discouraging - especially when you guess smaller that what you ACTUALLY are - but bigger than you THOUGHT you were.
It is time to get my butt into gear! Get moving! Lose this extra weight! Get back into shape! I know that I can do it - it's just that I have been lacking in the motivation department. Maybe now that the weather is warming up - I can see what I have been hiding under the baggy clothes... That is motivation in itself... Maybe more "window shopping" will help also.
And just maybe my posting my progress for whoever reads this to see will help a little too.
My goal is to be back around 140-145lbs. That was a good weight for me! Not too skinny, not too fat.

Today I am down from 174lbs (which was my starting weight) to 168lbs.
I am going to try & make this a regular posting...

6 down.........................................................................................28 to go

Any words of encouragement are welcome!!!!!