As it has been quite a while since I have posted here, I figured I could write a little about what has gone on during this busy week.
was the usual busy, but uneventful, day.

was not quite as uneventful. I got a call from the school nurse saying that my munchkin had thrown up in class, but was feeling a little better. He had mentioned that his stomach was hurting earlier that morning, but he didn't seem too worried about it at the time. So I had to run up to the school to pick him up. He came back to work with me and spent the day being my helper. I could tell, though, that he was not feeling up to par when he laid down on the floor face down and fell asleep for almost an hour. He was still feeling a little bad when we got home, but thankfully - no more throwing up.

started out normal. I did decide to keep my munchkin home from school because I could tell he was still not feeling well. His dad stayed home with him. When I got home that evening, he was obviously feeling much better. I think his dad cured him by playing video games with him! (the magic cure! lol) We decided to go out for dinner and a movie - something we hadn't done in a few years. For dinner - we went to Waffle House! LOVE IT! It had been a long while since any one of us had gone there. For the movie - we went to see
X-Men Origins:Wolverine (Hugh Jackman = nice). The movie was good - but not as good as we were expecting. During the previews, the guys decided that they wanted to see EVERY movie which had a trailer before the movie. (I have to agree with some - maybe even all - the trailers made them look REALLY good). We all slept good after the long evening.

my baby and I had appointments in the morning and the afternoon. The morning appointment went well. After it was over I took my baby back to his job site (almost an hour away) then I headed out towards where my appointment was (over an hour away in a different direction). I had a little time to kill before my appointment, so I decided to walk through the mall in the area. I just took a little ME time and walked and relaxed and did some window shopping and browsed through the book store. I then headed towards my appointment (which I only had the general location figured out). I ended up driving past it once and had to turn back around and go by it again. I ended up there 45 minutes early for my appointment, which was ok with me. It gave me extra time to fill out paperwork. The girl at the front desk and I talked about it and decided that for my needs - it was probably better if I reschedule the appointment for next Friday. So I left the office 15 minutes before my original appointment was to start and headed home (still an hour drive). I got home and was pretty much lazy the rest of the evening.

is still going on, but I will be much happier when the day is done. I am ready for my 3-day weekend!
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